
Special focus is laid on the design of the website. All our products:

  • follow the latest global design trends,,
  • correctly and reasonably guide the user through the website by performing the desired actions,
  • are designed as a stand-alone, individually designed project..

Unique and attractive website design

The appearance of the website, colour schemes and images are the most decisive factor in making the first impression on the visitor.

Design based on the confirmed layout

During the planning stage of the website, we set up the layout together with the client, which is the foundation for the design of the website or eCommerce website. Our web designers actively participate and advise in the course of development of a website, web portal, or eCommerce website. Websites are designed to adapt to all screen types and sizes, from desktop computers, tablets to mobile phones.

Design that supports marketing efforts

Before we focus on the appearance itself, we ask ourselves what plays a key role in an actual website optimally designed to support marketing efforts:

  • Who is the target audience of the website?
  • What are the primary goals we want to achieve with our website?
  • When and why do your customers visit your website most frequently?
  • Which part on the existing website misleads or does not attract the visitor, what needs to be improved?
  • How to make sure the visitors will come back to your website?